連日お伝えしてきた Modal Electronics SKULPT synthesiser。昨日、キャンペーンが無事終了し、目標額である £50,000(約740万円)を大きく上回る 297%、£148,683(約2,100万円) の資金調達に成功 した。バッカーは576人。
Our first ‘post campaign’ update has to start with a HUGE ‘THANK YOU’ to everyone who’s supported us through this amazing Kickstarter experience.
When we were first shooting the images, creating the initial demo videos or making the very first patch sounds, we had no idea of the levels of support we would receive from so many people, around the World. We are all truly humbled by this.
As we’ve explained in some of our updates, we’re already well into arranging manufacturing for SKULPT (I was producing the purchase order for a LOT of knobs a few minutes ago!) and as the days and weeks progress, we’ll share more of this with you all, here through updates.
Hopefully you picked up on our earlier update today but we’re happy to say that at 297%, that’s close enough to 300% for us and the stretch goal for the choice of your SKULPT (or in the case of quite a few people ‘SKULPT’s’ plural!) in either white OR black is now unlocked.
We need to start preparing our backer surveys, which will collect things like your shipping location and on this we’ll give you the chance to specify the colour of your SKULPT.
So if you don’t mind, none of us have had much sleep recently, making sure we responded to all your kind messages, comments and questions – so we’re going to have a bit of down time this evening with our families, but we’ll back back with you tomorrow.
Thanks for sharing this journey with us.
目標額の 300% の特典とされたブラックモデル、キャンペーンの締め切りギリギリで達成するかしないかの攻防が繰り広げられたが、未達成ながら標準オプションとして提供されることになった。やったー!
Facebook でネタをふったところ、キャンペーン終了間際に某おが氏と舟橋氏が参戦するなど、夏の暑い戦いとなりました。日本のバッカーはかなりいたんじゃないだろうか。
あとは商品の到着を待つのみ。商品配送は 11月を予定、楽しみにしています!
KICKSTARTER でプレッジするのは3回目だけど、仲間が参戦すると楽しいね。かつてあった Newton MessagePad 2100 のスケルトンボディ製作プロジェクトなんて今なら KICKSTARTER でやるんだろうか(いや、Apple の知財的に無理か)。ホント、いろんなことできそうです。