Apple CEO Tim Cook のスタンフォード卒業式スピーチ、Steve Jobs への想いを語る(全訳)


Apple’s Tim Cook calls on Stanford graduates to be builders and to take responsibility

Steve Jobs がスタンフォード大学で卒業式の開会スピーチを行ったのは 2005年のことだ。伝記によると、妻の Laurene とともに推敲を重ねたスピーチで、現在のテクノロジー、彼の人生、若者に期待するものを非常に力強く語ったスピーチだった。

2019年6月16日、Apple CEO の Tim Cook が今年のスタンフォード大学の Commencement Address を行った。Tim Cook はデジタル時代におけるプライバシーと責任(If you want credit for the good, take responsibility for the bad)、何かを作る人になる(Be a builder)ことに関して、彼の思いを話した。

またスピーチの最後に Steve Jobs との思い出を話し、スピーチを結んだ。その全文 を読んでいて、ホロっときたので紹介しておく。

You won’t be ready – その時、あなたは準備ができていないだろう



14年前、Steve はこのステージに立ちこう話しました。「あなたの時間は限られているので、他の誰かの人生のために無駄にしないように」と。


Steve が病気になったとき、私は彼が良くなるだろうという強い信念を持っていました。私は、自分がいなくなってからずっとずっと彼がAppleを導いていると確信していました。私は、自分がいなくなってからも、ずっと彼が Apple を導いていくと考えていました。


















You won’t be ready
That brings me to my last bit of advice.

Fourteen years ago, Steve stood on this stage and told your predecessors: “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”

Here’s my corollary: “Your mentors may leave you prepared, but they can’t leave you ready.”

When Steve got sick, I had hardwired my thinking to the belief that he would get better. I not only thought he would hold on, I was convinced, down to my core, that he’d still be guiding Apple long after I, myself, was gone.

Then, one day, he called me over to his house and told me that it wasn’t going to be that way.

Even then, I was convinced he would stay on as chairman. That he’d step back from the day to day but always be there as a sounding board.

But there was no reason to believe that. I never should have thought it. The facts were all there.

And when he was gone, truly gone, I learned the real, visceral difference between preparation and readiness.

It was the loneliest I’ve ever felt in my life. By an order of magnitude. It was one of those moments where you can be surrounded by people, yet you don’t really see, hear or even feel them. But I could sense their expectations.

When the dust settled, all I knew was that I was going to have to be the best version of myself that I could be.

I knew that if you got out of bed every morning and set your watch by what other people expect or demand, it’ll drive you crazy.

So what was true then is true now. Don’t waste your time living someone else’s life. Don’t try to emulate the people who came before you to the exclusion of everything else, contorting into a shape that doesn’t fit.

It takes too much mental effort – effort that should be dedicated to creating and building. You’ll waste precious time trying to rewire your every thought, and, in the mean time, you won’t be fooling anybody.

Graduates, the fact is, when your time comes, and it will, you’ll never be ready.

But you’re not supposed to be. Find the hope in the unexpected. Find the courage in the challenge. Find your vision on the solitary road.

Don’t get distracted.

There are too many people who want credit without responsibility.

Too many who show up for the ribbon cutting without building anything worth a damn.

Be different. Leave something worthy.

And always remember that you can’t take it with you. You’re going to have to pass it on.

Thank you very much. And Congratulations to the Class of 2019!

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