Newton は決して死なず。ただ新しいバッテリーを入れるのみ。
– Newton ユーザのスローガン
1998年2月27日、Apple は Newton OS ベースの今後の製品の開発を中止することを発表した。Apple を率いていた暫定 CEO Steve Jobs は「Apple を再建のためにすべての力を MacOS の拡張に集中させるため」と説明した。Newton の製品開発は終了したが、Newton ユーザは長く Newton デバイスを使いつづけた。
ちなみに、現 Apple CEO の Tim Cook は Apple 転職初日にディスコンに抗議する Newton ファンが Apple の建物におしかけたことを鮮明に覚えているという。
With Apple, my first day at work I crossed a picket line to get in the building! There was a picket line of customers who were protesting, because Steve had decided to kill the Newton device. And it was because they cared so deeply about it. And I thought, “This is amazing.” I still remember it like it was yesterday. I was walking to the lift that day and thinking, “Oh my God, my life is different.” It was so great. It was so great. You know, I have been involved in hundreds of new product announcements, hundreds of product withdrawals. At one of the companies I worked at, not to mention any names, we’d put [new products] in the lobby. We’d get on the employee intercom system and say, “Come look at them,” and nobody came. They didn’t even care.
– Tim Cook’s Freshman Year: The Apple CEO Speaks – Businessweek